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•   Brinton Sprague  6/24
•   Roger Gorman  3/10
•   Judith Mellin (Morgan)  11/13
•   Ralph Rankin  11/7
•   Judy Rehbein (Pugh)  7/18
•   Gerald Kiebler  7/14
•   Jim Bibby  7/8
•   Terrance McCarthy  6/22
•   Bev Malland  6/20
•   David Hulbert  6/11
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5 live in Alaska
14 live in Arizona
17 live in California
2 live in Colorado
5 live in Florida
2 live in Idaho
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Kentucky
2 live in Maryland
2 live in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Missouri
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4 live in Nevada
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12 live in Oregon
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1 lives in South Dakota
1 lives in Tennessee
4 live in Texas
2 live in Virginia
252 live in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in British Columbia
1 lives in France
1 lives in Germany
175 location unknown


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Highline High School
Class Of 1958


                                                                    66th Reunion


Hello fellow Pirates!

If you failed to attend the Class of 1958's 66th Reunion you missed a great party.  On Saturday, July 13, 2024

fifty five class members and guests gathered at Angelo's in Burien for a really fun gathering.

The first difference from all our previous reunions was that there was no registration fee/deposit required.  We

just showed up, ordered a drink (or two) and ordered dinner from a long menu of Angelo's Italian specialialties.


The second difference was that the costs were MUCH less than previous reunions.  Angelo's did not charge for the

room.  Everyone received a separate check for what they consumed.  Considering that our 65th reunion, at the 

Embassy Suites, was $79.00 per person (before classmate's donations) plus drinks.  Most classmates paid about

$50.00 , including drinks, for their dinners.


Bob Pernula informally presented Dedication Award  plaques to Martha and Terry for their years of keeping

the class together.


Most of the attendees seemed to like the format and liked meeting annually rather than once everyone five years.

You will receive a survey soon to see what you would prefer.


Highline will Shine Tonight!

....Terry McCarthy....